1.aimed at和 in order to

2.be aimed at 和 aim at区别

3.B是谓语吗?为什么不选A?aimed at warning 充当什么成分?

4.aim to ,aim for , aim at的区别能帮忙区分一下吗

5.He always aimed at becoming a doctor .. 这个英语句子中at becoming a doctor 是什么成分?

aimed at用在开头_

"Be aimed at" 和 "be targeted at" 在语义上有类似的意思,都可以用来描述某物或某人的目标或定位。然而,它们在使用上有一些细微的区别。

"Be aimed at": 这个短语通常用来表示某物或某人的设计、或意图是为了满足特定的需求、目标或对象。强调的是设计或的目的或意图。


"The new advertising campaign is aimed at young adults." (新的广告活动旨在吸引年轻成年人。)

"The training program is aimed at improving employees' skills." (培训旨在提高员工的技能。)

"The product is aimed at the luxury market." (该产品面向奢侈品市场。)

"Be targeted at": 这个短语也可以用来表示某物或某人的目标或定位,但更强调的是针对特定群体或对象进行的定位或市场营销策略。


"The new smartphone is targeted at budget-conscious consumers." (新款智能手机定位于注重预算的消费者。)

"The advertising campaign is targeted at urban millennials." (广告活动针对城市中的千禧一代进行定位。)

"The book is targeted at readers who are interested in history." (这本书面向对历史感兴趣的读者。)

总的来说,"be aimed at" 和 "be targeted at" 在语义上有类似的意思,都表示某物或某人的目标或定位,但 "be aimed at" 更强调设计或的目的或意图,而 "be targeted at" 则更强调针对特定群体或对象进行的定位或市场营销策略。

aimed at和 in order to

aim at 是主动,表打算、准备。。

be aimed at 是被动,表被打算。。。

非谓语做放在句首如果后面的主语与动词是主动关系,用aiming at.例:Aiming at improving his grades,his parents sent him to the school.这里父母作为主语,是主动状态,想要送他去学校来提高成绩。父母(主语)和打算(谓语动词)之间是主动关系。

如果主语和谓语动词是被动关系,就用be aimed at。例:The picture,aimed at show off their love, was put in the dining room.这张被用来炫耀他们的甜蜜的照片被摆在了餐厅里。


be aimed at 和 aim at区别



B是谓语吗?为什么不选A?aimed at warning 充当什么成分?

aim at + 某事物:以什么为目标(有try to do的意思)

be aimed at + 人或某事物:针对什么人或事 扩展资料


 sb aim at sth/sb :

 He aimed at accuracy and perfection. (他力求准确和完美)

 In saying this, I am not aiming at you. (我这话不是针对你说的')

 sb aim sth at sth/sb:

 People aim this fashion annual at improving the taste of life.


aim to ,aim for , aim at的区别能帮忙区分一下吗

1. aim at...旨在……; aim ……at...把……对准(瞄准)……;be aimed at...旨在……

2. 句中的aimed at...是个过去分词短语作定语,相当于非限制性定语从句,即等于which is aimed at...:

The International Day against Drugs, (which is) aimed at warning people to keep away from drugs,takes place on June 26th every year.

3. B是谓语。taking place是个现在分词短语,(现在或过去)分词短语不能作谓语,只能作其他成分。分词、动名词和不定式统称为非谓语动词。

He always aimed at becoming a doctor .. 这个英语句子中at becoming a doctor 是什么成分?


1、aim at 后接名词,强调瞄准、针对,本义用于开枪射击的瞄准的具体现象,也可用于抽象的针对某目标,同aim for +目标的用法,at本身有“朝、向”的含义,强调针对目标的方向性。

He aimed at the target, fired and missed it.?


2、aim to后接动词,意思是旨在干某事,强调志在达成某事。

It is now our aim to set up a factory.?


3、aim for 后接表示目标的名词,意思是以…为目标。for本身有“为了”的含义,强调作为、打算的目的性。




1、aim at 后接动名词,或者接名词。构成aim at doing sth.或者 aim at sth 固定结构,意思是瞄准、指望,针对 。如:

Businesses will he to aim at long-term growth, not the present profit.?


2、aim to后接动词原形,构成aim to do sth 固定结构,意思是想要做某事,立志要做。如:

He aim to streamline the office.?


3、aim for 以…为目标。 通常后接名词。例:

Your whole parenting has aimed?for?this moment.



1 . aim at:用于表示强调瞄准,针对,后接名词、动名词时需要用aim at。如:

When the teacher said that there was a lazy boy in the class, he was aiming at John.?


2、aim to 用于强调想要做某事,后接动词原形, aim to do sth 意思是立志要做某事。如:

She aimed to please her boss.?


We aim to solve the problem.?


3、aim for,后接名词, 用于强调希望达到某个目标。如:

We should aim for the best results.?


aim at是一个固定搭配,在句子中作谓语。这个句子结构比较简单,he是句子的主语,always是一个副词,在句子中作状语,aimed at是一个动词短语,在句子中作谓语,最后的becoming a doctor是句子的宾语。