1.求翻译 英文





 英 [?m?n] 美 [?mon]

 n. 运动;移动;动;(为传递信息用手或头做的)动作;动议;提议

 v. (以头或手)做动作,示意


 1.One group of muscles sets the next group in motion.


 2.Cover each part of the body with long sweeping strokes or circular motions.


 3.The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly.


 4.She motioned for the locked front doors to be opened.



 constant motion 不断运动

 full motion 全动

 perpetual motion 永恒运动

 circular motion 圆周运动

 smooth motion 平滑运动

 quick motion 快动作


 motion 运动;移动方式 n. 指某人或某物运动的过程或方式。

 move 移动,活动 n. 指朝某一方向的移动,通常用单数。

 movement 运动 n. 多指某人或某物位置的变化。


 mob, mot= to move 动

 1.automobile n. 汽车

 auto 自己 + mob 动 + ile 属于?的 ? 自己动的〔车〕? 汽车

 2.bookmobile n. 流动图书馆

 book 书 + mob 动 + ile 表物体 ? 动的书 ? 流动图书馆

 3motion n.

 com 加强 + mot 动 + ion 表动作 ? 到处都在动 ?

 4.demobilize v. 复员

 de 非,相反 + mobilize 动员 ? 动员〔退伍〕? 复员

 5.demote v. 使降级

 de 向下 + mot 动 + e ? 向下动 ? 使降级

 6.emotion n. 感情

 e 出 + mot 动 + ion 表名词 ? 动出〔感情〕? 感情

 7.immobile adj. 静止的

 im 不 + mobile 活动的,可动的 ? 静止的

 8.locomotive n. 火车头;机车

 loco 地方 + mot 动 + ive 表物 ? 从一个地方跑到另一个地方的东西 ? 火车头


 告诉你一个记忆小技巧,motion=mot 动 + ion 动作或状态 ? 运动。

求翻译 英文

英语to undertake activities翻译成中文是:”开展活动“。


发音:英 [?nd?te?k];美 [?nd?r?te?k]









undertake research


undertake analysis


undertake study


undertake programme


undertake review



At sea we will mobilize any amount of resources to?undertake?a rescue.


In any event, I was not in a position to?undertake?such a task.


[with obj. and infinitive]temporary staff can be employed to?undertake?much of the work.


A housekeeper who would?undertake, in her own person, all the duties of the home.


In common with other officers I had to?undertake?guard duties.





翻译:4: using visual aids, such as Figure and training for students learned the heard to create a good environment

Physical, pictures, stick figure, slide, slide, etc. are commonly used in English teaching visual aids. In addition to teachers in producing visual aids, can also mobilize the students to produce their own teaching aids. If just beginning to learn letters, letter cards can allow students to do for the same table, groups, find friends, listening, speaking, training and other forms. Phonetics, the word teaching, dialogue, teaching, teaching texts and so allow the students themselves to do some teaching aids. This arrangement not only help us to hear the training, but also to encourage students to focusing and to stimulate students interest in learning, improve the efficiency of classroom teaching would be better.


英语论文范文 《探讨如何调动学生学习语音的积极性》

Pick to: the foundation of learning English well is to learn the speech, but the content of the speech, phonetic pronunciation rules than the dry content, some students will not be willing to work hard to learn, lack of learning initiative. In language learning but also has some problems. Article on how to mobilize students' learning speech enthusiasm, how to make the speech learning specific image, as well as the voice of learning in the common errors and correct method put forward views.摘 要: 学好英语的基础是要学好语音,但语音内容是音标、读音规则等较枯燥的内容,有些学生便不肯下功夫去学,缺乏学习的主动性。在语音学习中还存在着一些问题。文章就如何调动学生学习语音的积极性,怎样使语音学习形象具体,以及语音学习中常见错误及纠正方法等提出看法。 参考引见: ://.51lunwen.org/sampleenglishpaper/
















1. Interested in education

Stimulate interest in the cultivation of a good motive is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students study the key. Learning English, many students fresh out of curiosity, interest in this course. To capitalize on the trend at this time if teachers take a variety of teaching methods, such as the use of pictures, slides, visual aids in kind for teaching, teaching English songs to sing, it will enable the classroom lively and fun-filled, educational results are obvious.

At the same time for students to try as much as possible to listening, speaking, reading and writing training. When students find themselves pleasantly surprised to listen to understand the dialogue or an English news, openings and other people can talk in English. Able to read a story. Even when the term memo diary, interest will continue a strong and sustained. Opposite result will be students interested in studying the deep. Word of the increased volume, complexity of grammar Endure about Qiushui dry coating to reduce or even lose.

Second, the purpose of education.

Students usually study correct attitude, a clear educational purpose of study, and only know how to study the significance of plants, students will be starting from the necessary to the purpose of power, he a strong desire and thirst for knowledge in order to take the initiative to study, if students The purpose of the study. The lack of a correct understanding of the significance of teachers spend no matter how much strength, but also difficult to oain the effect of good teaching, therefore, teachers should be combined with reform and opening up. Achieve the four modernizations to strive towards the goal, to tell students the tools to master English and the need for urgency in order to enhance the consciousness of the students study.

Three, heuristic education

Teaching of power, corruption in the guide. Teachers should always be the main target for the students, many精讲training, inspiring students to analyze cultivate problem-solving skills, such as when talking about the results of adverbials by shallow people in the following order on the deep patterns and drills.

A) I. Shcistooweaktoliftthemck.

2. Sheisnotstmngenoughtolifttherock.

B) 1. Sheissoweakthatshecan'tlifttherock,

2, Sheisweakagirlthatshecan'tlifttherock.

3. Sheissuchaweakgirlthatshecanltlifttherock.

A group of middle school students he mastered at the infinitive for the outcome of the sentence adverbials as lead Group B people "sothat" and such ... that "guide for the outcome of the adverbial clause; At the same time, ask students to compare their observed between the two groups as well as the similarities and differences between each of the various similarities and differences between sentences. On this basis, to allow students to practice repeatedly. In short, where students can think about themselves, to do, teachers do not to go. the only way to really exert teachers a leading role in mobilizing the enthusiasm to students.

Four, methods of education

Mr. Ye Shengtao famous educator said: "Do not need religion is taught in order to achieve," Mr Gordon Head-suk also said: "Teaching, teaching, teach the students to learn is mainly not to the knowledge ailable to teach students, but teaching learning methods give students, students can be a lifetime benefit. "teachers can be seen also to do a good job in a leading role in the study guide students so that students learn not only knowledge but also know how to go study. First, let the students learn how to use compared to infer. Summarized, integrated, and other methods to analyze a general problem. To do such as reading comprehension. Cloze. Just change the short title of Class of germanium, the word analysis, understanding of sentence articles. Logical analysis of the content is a comprehensive process. Secondly, to allow students to learn how to scientifically warm distribution, review time, give full play to the eyes, ears, throat, tongue, brain study at the role of language, to master the laws and methods of memory. Words such as teaching, the teachers let the students learn not only the phonetic transcription, a grasp of basic spelling rules, should also be taught some basic knowledge and dictionary word-building methods, and guide students to use before the suffix, synonyms. Antonyms, compound words, such as knowledge, and continuously expand the vocabulary, the gradual elimination of the word in mind, spelling difficulties.